Hi, I’m Jaimee Veronneau Roberts of

The Dog and Pony Show!

5 years ago, I took an Intro to Weaving class at an amazing local Rhode Island yarn shop, The Mermaid’s Purl (@mermaidspurl). It lead to classes with RISD’s Continuing Ed (@risdce), The Saunderstown Weaving School, and the purchase of 2 GIGANTIC looms. Weaving makes my brain spin with endless textile possibilities. It gives me the ability to create all of the rainbows🌈 and patterns that are dancing around in my head. My artwork stitches together my patternmaking and sewing skills from The Fashion Institute of Technology (@fitnyc), my leather accessory techniques from London College of Fashion (@lcflondon_), my favorite hobby- museums, and the slower and sustainable direction I want fashion, making, and artwork to go. I design and create fabrics seasonally inspired by specific artwork and exhibits. I sew them into one of a kind, you’ll never get this again accessories, artwork, and apparel. Stay tuned for future exhibitions and sales.


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